Older Persons

La ONU debería fortalecer el reconocimiento y la inclusión de adultos y migrantes mayores dentro del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas.

[Guadalajara, Jal. June 3, 2020] The Rhizome Center for Migrants and more than 100 organizations worldwide have joined with HelpAge International to call for the UN to ensure that, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we build back better and set the stage for a more inclusive and equitable society that considers older people’s rights across […]


Ex residentes permanentes legales de EE. UU.: jubilados sin prestaciones

[Guadalajara, Jal. April 15, 2020] An increasing number of Mexican lawful permanent residents (LPRs) may potentially lose access to their U.S. contributions as a result of deportation, forming part of a growing number of legal immigrants who contributed to social security but cannot later benefit from or receive their contribution. Owing to the interposition of […]

Senor Juan

Población en riesgo: los trabajadores mayores indocumentados en México

[Guadalajara, Jal. July 30, 2019] Each year, undocumented workers in the United States contribute billions to the U.S. Social Security system. However, when they retire, because of their undocumented status in the U.S. workforce, they will not have access to the federal public benefits of retired workers. Their inability to draw from their contributions, and the […]