[Guadalajara, Jal. June 7, 2018] Al Centro Rizoma del Migrante (www.rhizomecenter.org) has partnered with Casa Scalabrini (http://www.migrante.com.mx/guadalajara.html) to provide post-deportation legal aid services to returned migrants in Guadalajara, Jalisco, one of the states most affected by repatriation.
The weekly legal aid clinic opened today in response to the surge in long-term resident deportations under the Trump administration. Anyone who has been deported or voluntarily repatriated may make an appointment for a free legal consultation with an American attorney.
“Our Mexico Project addresses urgent immigration and human rights issues for at-risk and vulnerable returning migrants currently residing in Mexico,” said Tran Dang, founder of The Rhizome Center for Migrants. “Through document review and preparation, legal advice, counseling, and referrals, we are also able to assist those who may have critical financial and family issues.”
The legal aid clinic will be held every Thursday from 10:00am to 6:00pm at Casa Scalabrini’s offices in Guadalajara. To schedule an appointment, please contact The Rhizome Center for Migrants directly at +52 (33) 2182 0836, or by email at connect@rhizomecenter.org. Walk-ins are not permitted.