Fundadora y Directora EjecutivaTran es abogada con experiencia previa en grandes despachos y representó a víctimas de persecución en foros y sistemas de derechos humanos regionales, en la ACNUR y en procedimientos especiales de la ONU. Antes de mudarse a México, donde habita al día de hoy, dirigió una oficina de derechos humanos y clínica de apoyo legal en Bangkok, Tailandia. Su trabajo en Latinoamérica gira en torno a los derechos de las personas solicitantes de asilo, los trabajadores migrantes y los deportados.

Board MemberJessica is the Director of Mexico Operations at Coyote Logistics and has 10+ years of experience within the transportation industry. In 2018, she moved to Mexico to kickstart Coyote’s Guadalajara office and expand their cross-border footprint. Jessica began volunteering with us shortly after her arrival and has supported various initiatives and fundraising campaigns before becoming a board member in 2021.

Board MemberBethany provided group coordination support for our educational programs for law students held every winter and summer in Guadalajara from 2019 - 2020 She has prior experience working at an immigration law firm in Eugene, Oregon, and is a 2023 juris doctorate candidate at the University of Oregon School of Law. As a board member, she is using her on-the-ground knowledge to drive the organization's mission forward.

Board MemberAbdul has been an advocate for migrant and refugee rights since 2007 and has conducted doctoral research on refugee law in China. His advocacy and research include migrants from Latin America and Haiti. Abdul has an LL.M. from The University of Texas School of Law. As a board member, he will continue his advocacy and contribute to the long-term future of the Rhizome Center.

Khanh PHAM
Asesor de inmigraciónKhanh is an immigration attorney with 15+ years of experience. He handles all immigration-related matters and has extensive experience representing clients in asylum requests, adjustment of status filings, and removal proceedings. He is the former legal director at BPSOS-Houston’s immigration clinic and current co-host of a popular national, weekly immigration legal advice program on Radio VOA Tieng Viet.

Gestión tecnológicaJorge es un artista digital y tecnólogo mexicano especializado en los procesos generativos y diseño por computadora. Su obra abarca la realidad mixta, el diseño, el arte y la ciencia. En 2017, se desempeñó como productor y curador de todo el contenido de arte tecnológico que formó parte de la propuesta "Guadalajara, Ciudad de las Artes Digitales" que se presentó ante la UNESCO. Actualmente, explora distintas maneras de incorporar el diseño y la tecnología impulsados por la comunidad como herramientas para lograr el cambio social.

Jackie RAMOS
Asesora general y miembro del consejo
Board MemberAbigail “Abi” is an expert on migration, education, and community development with extensive field experience along the U.S.-Mexico border. From 2015-2020, Abi conducted ethnographic research at Casa del Migrante Tijuana's shelter and helped to found Puente TJ, a deportee-led support group connecting new arrivals to jobs and housing. As a board member, she hopes to continue supporting the rights of returned migrants.